GSM LTE-M nb-ioT - LoRaWAN
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Beacontracking Control Customized NB-ioT + LoRa WAN + Sigfox- LoRa + Zigbee + IoT-HomeHealth Danmark & Consulting |
Skræddersyet 4G lte cat m1 NB2 Wifi Kontrol Styring NB-IoT Telematics Module - eCall Module- Lorawan Gateway- Lora - Sigfox- NB-IoT Gateway- NB-iot LTE cat M1 |
Design tilbyder Skræddersyet kundetilpasset LTE GSM - GPRS - GPS - LoRaWAN -NB-IoT- modul kontrol elektronik Produktudvikling efter Specifikation samt kundetilpasset volume elektronikproduktion....... Special complete ioT Solutions Customized Solutions - Kundetilpassede Løsninger : - GSM GPS Tracking - GSM GPS overvågning - GSM Access Control - GSM Adgangs Kontrol - Bluetooth Access Control - - Bluetooth Adgangs Kontrol - GSM IPCU Relay Module - GSM Asset management - Bluetooth LoRa LoRaWAN Beacon tracking Gateway LoRaWan & SigFox Gateway interfaces. Narrowband IoT NB-IoT Gateway - BlueGateway - IPCU interface - IPCU relay module WedeCon Design er specialist i IoT-løsninger fra Sensor til cloud server: Elektronik og Embedded Software, Mekanik, Apps, Cloud, * Customized IoS & Android Tracking App and Cloud udvikling - for Wifi - Bluetooth GSM- remote control - |
- - Custom-made WiFi - lte-ioT cat m1 nb2 Gateway - Bluetooth- Gateway Kontrol - IPCU modules
Produktudvikling - ElektronikUdvikling efter Specifikation samt kundetilpasset volume elektronikproduktion. Data collection with WiFi Gateway module to Internet Cloud-server solutions. We also are supporting stable ioT solutions with 433Mhz, 868Mhz, 2.4Ghz and the possibllity to get the RED/CE certificates on the modules - RED 2014/53/EU certificates possible |
Mød WedeCon Design for dit næste projekt : 2024 E-22 Elektronikmesse Odense - Danmark - 2024
Customized Bluetooth Beacon Wireless Nanolink MESH Control System Development R&D - Electronics R&D Hardware & Software electronics - Bluetooth GSM Gateways - Bluegateway |
2G Network / 2G GPRS Network Datastream - 4G LTE Network / 3G GPRS / 3G IPCU- UMTS : - All Electronics R&D Module Development available - also Freelance. ** Radio Equipment Directive RED 2014/53/EU Certificate** A open GSM module Hardware Platform possible for customization of own software programming and developments** Custom-made Skræddersyet Bluetooth Tracking iBeacon Beacon nRF52810 nRF51822 nRF52832 nRF52840 MQTT nRF9160 |
WedeCon Design are supporting Electronics Design on your R&D Lab on your location in synergy with your Team - - or on own R&D development lab - - or in a combination on both locations..worldwide Also supporting Atmel MEGA328P |
GSM/GPRS Kontrol Overvågning i o t s o l u i o n s |
4G LTE-M GSM e-Call eCall SMS Fjern kontrol & Alarm system Data Modem Elektronik. |
Customized WasteControl 2G GSM module
for Remote 433Mhz Gateway data-stream - lte-M nb-ioT - Also combined version with Dual Wi-Fi Module possible .. |
Customized Simkort SIMCARD position - MICRO Simcard -NANO Simcard | MICRO Simcard -MicroSim Kort - NANO Simcard | |
SMS ALARM system on GSM ** Custom-made GSM - WiFi - GPRS - GSM - eCall - NB-IoT Control R&D Developments ** 2G, GRPS, UTMS, 3G, 4G LTE, GSM Systems ** Temperature, Moisture, Fugtighed- Power, Access Alerts on SMS ** SMS Remote Control System ** GSM Datamodem GsmControl GsmKontrol ** Wifi Gateway option - Bluetooth Gateway option - 433Mhz Gateway SigFox - LoRa - LoRaWan Gateway- NB-IoT ** Embedded cloud data tracking position collection option ** GPS / GNSS tracking position option ** Customized RSS EASY IPCU ..IPCU1 IPCU2 ** RS485 - USB - RS232 - CANbus - PWM interface options ** RFID / NFC user interface - 125Khz - 13Mhz - 868Mhz ** Analogue Input - PT100 input - PT1000 input - NTC input - - ** PWM Input / 0-10V input / 4-20mA input / NTC input ** MQTT Protocol to Cloudserver MQTT easy IOT server control- ** Custom +5V to +36V DC power input options ** IoT - easy IPCU / W-Bus customised Interface and converter ** GSM OBDII OBD-II interface customised. ** MouseTrap Alarm GSM Wifi LoRa Mangagement ** Customised Telematics Automotive eCall Control Systems ** Buzzer , Relay options.- WEKi203 -. Arduino MC60 interface ** Custom made GSM Access Control ** Customized remote 2G LTE cat m1 NB-ioT GSM automotive doorlock system ** Custom-made Bluetooth Access Control ** Custom-made Bluetooth LoRaWAN Gateway Control ** Customized Wi-Fi Access Control ** Customized CJMCU module Control SOWE6700#04 DANGSM ** Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU Certificate ** Customized wireless iot temperature solutions kk CJMCU Quectel M95, Quectel M66, BC66, BC68 BG96, BG95, BC95, BG77 Quectel MC60, Quad Band GSM - ecall Quectel UG95, Quectel MQTT, Fibocom G510, SimCom900, SimCom800 , IPCU interface SIMCARD, Standard Simcard, Micro Simcard, Nano Simcard Bluetooth Beacon development nRF52810 nRF51822 nRF52832 nRF52840 Radio Equipment Directive and (RED) 2014/53/EU Certificate for Bluetooth shop |
Customised GSM - NB-ioT_4G LTE REMOTE CONTROL Kundetilpasset produkt Elektronikudvikling og Produktion Smart City ioT SigFox LoRaWAN Elektronikudvikling Contact |
GPS / GNSS Tracking på GSM Kontrol modulet
elektronikudvikling. GSM customized GSM IPCU D3 RSS |
GSM Modul elektronikudvikling udviklet i
2015 |
IPCU / W-Bus customised Interface and converter - OBDII OBD-II - GSM adapter Gateway |
GSM LTE cat M1 ioT module with 2G Fall-back & GPS |
Contact & Address Details of WedeCon Design - Online Dansk kontor og Udvikling : WedeCon Design .... Egevænget 7 DK-7000 Fredericia Danmark - Denmark GSM Mobile : +45- 22 85 30 35 SkypeID : (24 timer kontakt) qq: 2870194814 weChat : Wedecon Email : CVR / SE Taxnumber : DK-31715490 Chinese Office representive : Bao An District, Shenzhen, China |
4G LTE nb-ioT Bluegateway page updated August 2023 |